Across England and Wales. The map shows you some of the locations where we have run previous stargazing experiences from.
Zone A is included in the price of an individual experience. We only require additional costs if we have to travel outside of zone A - click here to find out about additional travel costs
Scroll down to find out how NOVA works.
Suitable for any knowledge level in astronomy, from beginner to advanced. Each stargazing experience focuses on a particular aspect of the universe where you will be guided by our astronomer to see the most incredible sights through our large aperture telescope, whilst they will explain in comprehensive detail about what you are looking at, so you get the full picture.
We will snap some photos of some of the objects you observe through the telescope.
Book an evening and time of your choice (only limited to hours of darkness, weather and availability).
Click here to view our current availability.
An invoice will be sent via e-mail or PayPal (depending on payment option chosen) and once payment has been made you will receive a booking confirmation from us.
If you are looking for a gift card - click here
3 options:
1. Travel to our radius (20 miles around Stratford-Upon-Avon) and we will let you know a location.
2. Have us travel to you and we will source a location based on your postcode. (This location will normally be within a 5-20 minute drive unless you are based in a city centre). Additional travel costs apply outside of zone A.
3. Stargaze from home. This is only possible for suitable gardens with minimal obstructions.
Two days prior to your booking, we will contact you with an update on the forecast. This gives us an idea of whether we will be able to run your experience on your chosen date or if we need to look at rescheduling.
The weather in Britain is extremely hard to predict and is constantly changing, so we can't confirm the go ahead until the morning of your booked date. It's not until that point the radar has it's highest degree of accuracy and we'd rather not disappoint our customers saying it's good enough to go ahead only for things to change for the worse by calling it too early.
This is the UK and sadly this happens.
If the skies aren't clear on the evening you have booked then we simply find another suitable date and reschedule. We will do this until we have been able to complete your experience.
On average it will take 1-6 attempts to complete an experience due to the unpredictable UK weather conditions.
Excellent! It's actually clear!
So we will meet you at the predetermined location and the arranged time. Our astronomer will have the equipment ready prior to your arrival so you can start touring the night sky from when you arrive.
Remember, wrap up warm, bring a hot and delicious drink and enjoy your night under the stars exploring our beautiful universe. See for yourself the mind blowing sights that are hidden from the naked eye with our high quality telescope.